Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Baggage Claim Prayer Meeting

One thing that is inevitable is that God created the heavens and the earth. And you can deny that all you want but if you really look at creation, everything God has made, you can't deny it. I mean look at this view.

 He is so present. Even though we sometimes feel as if he's not working. But if you look close enough, you'll see it. In every living being, every small coincidence, and every huge defining moment, He's there. 

 I was thinking these thing on the airplane to Florida. I was left to my thoughts on this flight, the neighboring passenger to me was not one for small talk so I filed my time with the awesome film Holy Ghost. The flight was surprisingly short, I remember when two hours felt longer.
After the flight I grabbed my guitar and jetted towards the baggage claim, well that was a long wait. While I was waiting a woman saw my guitar and asked what style I play. When my response was " I don't really have a style, I just worship".  She laughed again and said "There I go again trying to witness to Christians!"
We then started talking about Grace and the Holy Spirit when her husband came in still waiting for our luggage. 

After we had been talking a while a kid decked out in a "glorify and rep Christ " gear came up and started asking me about what I do, and where all I'm going, after a few minutes into our conversation the woman came back and asked to pray with me for safety and protection. So right there in the Sanford Florida airport we had a little prayer meeting, after which the kid turned out to be a rapper from Ohio, lol. God is so cool.

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